It is as if you wish for homefires, a hearth rug, someoneto sing those balm songs when youreturn broken kneed and gloried fromthe good fight. You wish for the poetlaureate in the night, and sticks andstones to throw in the day. Well, hey – Read the rest at Vallum Magazine […]
6 posts
We look for shade from the sun. Large leafy trees, banyans, whatever lasts longest, whatever ever renews. She sought the sun and found it, invited it to dance and some days you could see it flutter and dim beneath her feet. Other days it burnt and blistered her, it burnt […]
Praise of High Noon and the Body With the help of distant or departed interlocutors, the work meditates on how we lose and find ourselves again through travel, bringing the news of war to the front lawn – Pasha’s poetry speaks crisp commonsense to the robbed spectre of death and […]