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Liberty Books
London Books
Queer Ink

Excerpted Poems

Rubai: Walk Softly
Poem on a Paper Aeroplane Floated Across the Border
Tell Her
This Is Nowhere
Arterial Procession

This is Nowhere


But the shelling’s always heavy
if the cannons live in your hide.
I said, “Come here,” and I said,
“There are fewer massacres
of our kind, we have free lunches
with the devil and still
go home to worship our household gods.”

But I was lying – everyone here is dead
tonight, and those that walk
are suspect. I have a zombie
at the back door, banging to be let in
saying, “This is love, don’t you know that
this is love?” And there’s corpses
on the front lawn, strewn all down the street
and onto the main road – men, dead
of exhaustion and thirst. There is heat-
stroke and heart-stroke here, a slow death
while dancing, and I don’t know
why anyone would come.